As a followup to nutrition I thought that I would post a link to an article discussing Chris Carmichael's coaching of Lance Armstrong. While many have their own opinions about this cyclist it is difficult to argue that he has received world class coaching over the years and his buddy Chris makes a great living doling out sound advice.
That said he is promoting a new book on nutrition and this author reviews some key concepts from this new work. Note the periodization is employed, just as we use this technique for training load and to build a runner toward a peak of training. Also note that the article sites several mini meals that are nutrient dense. Many of these suggestions will even stay down during a run (although I doubt I could eat a bowl of cereal while running, I have enjoyed a bagel and banana on the fly). Take this article as a good supplement and insight toward new nutrition/training tools.,7120,s6-242-301--6686-0,00.html?cm_mmc=nutrition-_-2010_06_10-_-nutrition-_-DIET%3a%20Performance%20Fuel