Monday, August 22, 2011

Caffiene Addendum

So I get a lot of questions about caffeine and it is a good topic, because there have been some related injuries and fatalities in the news and it is an ingredient that shows up in more and more food. While this is a legal performance enhancing drug according to USA Track and Field – it is a drug and let’s look at it for a minute in that way.

“DSM-IV lists caffeine intoxication as a clinical syndrome. Caffeine intoxication is described by the following: recent consumption of caffeine and five or more symptoms that develop during, or shortly after, caffeine use including restlessness, nervousness, excitement, insomnia, flushed face, diuresis, and gastrointestinal complaints.” (

The Maryland Poison control center will tell you that at high doses caffeine is a diuretic but also a cardiovascular stimulant, may increase blood pressure, may cause severe nausea and vomiting and cardiac dysrhythmias, (SVT, AF, VT) this dose is considered to be approximately 1000mg or 40mg/kg in a child, a lethal dose is estimated at 150/mg/kg for adults. As an example a 130lb adult would be 59kg. 59x150=8850mg at one time, or at peak effect, and you have to consider that caffeine has a half life of 6 hours in many people. Metabolism of drugs varies by age, body mass, gender, liver and kidney function.

While that sounds like a great amount of caffeine (and it is) that is pretty easy to get in this country today by way of high test beverages and energy drinks. Caution is advised when products do not list the amount of caffeine in the container and supplements or drinks which contain guarana, which is a biological caffeine source in herbal form.

Bear in mind that an average cup of coffee contains 50-180mg of caffeine a cola contains 30-50mg, and a no-doze tablet around 200mg. For a smaller or caffeine –naïve person this could mean that 5-10 no-doze tablets or 10 cups of coffee could be a toxic dose. Some products in concentrate form provide 1800mg in a 4oz bottle and this spells trouble. This dosage information is considering that you are standing still and not running your workout, which is clearly a larger cardiovascular workload and ads up to greater risks for you.

Recall what I have also mentioned about the kidneys and all they do for the body. They can control your blood pressure, to a great degree, using enzymes and hormones that are affected by your hydration status. So let’s say that you are running and sweating, you have increased the cardiac workload and the kidney needs to regulate blood pressure to deal with these two variables. That is a lot of work to do, but if you add caffeine and or NSAIDs (Alleve or Ibuprofen for example) - now you have added a force multiplier to the body’s compensation system and you body may not be able to compensate for these new challenges. This is the type of scenario that has led to fatal injuries of a few runners in the news and injured untold others only slightly less seriously. Know what you are putting into your body, use those powerful substances sparingly, and test the caffeine before race day, using only what you might normally drink in the morning. Consult your doctor and always give them a big picture of what you are doing and what you are taking. Because we think of these items as coming from a grocery store we may falsely assume they are benign and you owe it to yourself to have the best possible race day – so don’t assume anything!

Race Day Planning

Race preparations –
“Emotion is a direct manifestation of a person’s appraisal of any given situation”

Here is a rambling selection of important thoughts about your upcoming big day. You have worked hard and deserve an afternoon that will be enjoyable enough that you are surprised, delighted and want to do it again. So keep these things in mind – as they may help you to that end.

Do not try anything new on race day. That means no new thing. You will have tested your diet, your socks, your hydration plan, your sports wear etc. on runs prior to the race so that you can put your best effort forward with the confidence that “this works, I tried it last week”. Having your bag packed the night before and your breakfast laid out downstairs allows you to get to sleep naturally dreaming about the crowds screaming your name as you cross the finish line, strong, and in charge of your race. Not all of your big runs end like this one, so just like Christmas morning – you need a plan and you begin drawing it up right now.

The week of your race try to add one hour of sleep to each night’s schedule (so that if you normally sleep 7 hrs/night try to get 8hrs, every night) because - while we will not taper for this event - your body needs to rejuvenate from all the training to run at your best. We improve while at rest - not while working out. So race week is a time when you cannot cram for the test, you need to bide your time and relax as best you can. While many American feel more is better; without adequate rest - fitness adaptations may occur short term but ultimately are not retained.

Carbohydrate loading for this length of race is risky. You will be able to eat your normal diet, a good breakfast 2 hours before your race and have enough glycogen in your muscles to run the entire race. More food may create issues with gastric emptying and lead to cramps. Eat light and right as you would before a morning run and you’ll be fine – avoid risky foods 2-3 days before your race. Not a good time to get food poisoning or an upset stomach. With an afternoon race you may need to adjust your breakfast time on race morning to eat later than you normally would eat breakfast – you will try this out the week before, on your long turn to confirm that it works for you. Some runners give up dairy for 30 hours preceding a race so as to not feel bogged down in the GI system – I have tried this and have not seen a clear advantage to doing so.

Caffeine is a proven performance enhancer for runners and is a legal substance under USATF rules. One to three cups will have negligible effect on hydration and will boost energy level. If you currently use caffeine do not skip it on race day. That being said – you should read the post on our facebook site – which is a discussion of the abuse of caffeine and it’s hazards – along with a link that has the amount of caffeine in many consumer products. You should know what you are taking.

Begin planning now for your bathroom break and time it to be before your race time. You’ll feel better. Races nearly always have a bathroom (typically port-o-johns) but paper may be in short supply.

Physiology studies have shown that you can train your body to have a time of day where cardio-fitness and oxygen intake is optimized. Many folks begin a pattern or running at the time of their race start and this has been proven to be helpful in race performance.

Review your race goals the night before your event. Have a Plan A, and a Plan B so that you are prepared. Keep a positive dialogue about these goals and your race day performance. You trained, you put in the work, and you can do this.

Consider a “dress rehearsal” for your race. Do one of your long runs as you would run your race event.
Wear what you hope to wear on race day
Securely tie your shoes
Eat your race breakfast, two hours before your run and ensure you are hydrated
Drink your caffeine if you normally do
Use all the same techniques you hope to employ on race day
Run at the same time as your event
Be prepared for weather changes and have these items with you
Check and calculate your pace for a “three stage race”
Visualize a strong finish and success

Pack your race day bag the night before with everything you’ll need.
Water bottle, recovery food, safety pins for your race number, Running shoes, socks, shorts or tights, shirt, wind layer, hat, gloves, a dry change of clothes for post race, your watch, toilet paper (races with big crowds are notorious for running out), sunscreen, glasses, car keys, a few dollars, phone, camera, coffee/cup
Trim your toenails very carefully a week or more before your race, so that any mistakes can grow out a bit prior to the big day. If you do not trim you could get “black toe” or lose a nail from pounding in the shoe.

While racing you need to keep in mind some etiquette issues that are “rules of the road” when running in large groups that help everyone have a good race day.
· Line up according to how fast you run or walk – slower participant to the back for safety and courtesy. Do not go out faster than you intend to run.
· If you drop something at the race start do not stop to pick it up. You endanger yourself and those around you. If you need to tie a shoe, step to the side of the course.
· Strive to run or walk in a straight line and look before you veer, spit or blow your nose. If you are taking walk breaks step to the side of the course.
· Do not walk or run more than two abreast, doing so create congestion on the course and may lead to irrational behavior from runners who feel compelled to pass.
· If you stop at the aid station to eat or drink, consume these items past the aid station and on the side of the course. Always use trash receptacles and never litter on course.
· If you hear “excuse me” “passing” or “on your left” you need to be aware of your surroundings and yield to the faster traffic that is passing. Runners should always indicate verbally they are passing and “thank you” should be heard regularly also.
· Cheer and encourage other on the course – help everyone to have a good day
· Thank volunteers along the course - races cannot happen without these people
· Enjoy the race, look around and savor the moment. You worked hard for this and Tom Holland says “welcome to the party!”
· Cross the finish line and keep moving - stay in race order (finishing order) so that your standings can be documented then keep walking to clear the area for others.
· Most races offer refreshment at the finish and you should enjoy the refueling while being mindful that runners on course will need some of these supplies as well.
· If you have a complaint about the event - do not tell a volunteer who is busy making a great experience for runners. Tell the race director or write your comments on a comment card and submit them. Your race director is VERY interested in your feedback, and yet he/she will not have time for your comments on race day. Always be kind to volunteers.

Warm up by simply walking around, hop, very gently stretch just to move blood supply - not to stretch muscles. By getting the pulse up a bit we are better prepared without using too much energy.
We always start slow – go out too fast and you’ll have an empty tank and may not finish your event. Run the first leg of your race relaxed and smiling, keep your effort in the PE range of 3-4.
Start the second leg of your race with a PE range of 5-6 and you are ramping up now but trying not to blow up – pace yourself
Start the third leg of your race with a PE range of 7-8.5 and really give that last stretch your best effort, keeping your running form clean. If you are not running with good form - slow down. Breathe, relax, hold your form and hang on – you’re almost there and this will hurt a little bit. But its not childbirth…

Perceived effort works at the level of our autonomic nervous system. Your body will actually make you feel very poorly right before it thinks that you cannot do any more. Athletes can train this PE center in the brain (the central governor) to some degree and give it greater reference. We train to go the entire distance because you have then taught your brain that you can travel this distance without blowing up – so when you get that bad feeling simply slow down, let the body recover some – and then keep going for what you trained to do.

It is never over until it really is over. It is very Ok to walk, crawl or even rest and then crawl again to finish – there is no time limit and if you are up to it; give it your best effort to finish.

NO Pain reliever on race day. I see it all the time and even among folks who should know better, but the more I read and listen on this subject the more I feel compelled to advise you to not use pain reliever on race day. Here is a short list of reasons.
You need to stay in tune with your body and prophylactic use of pain reliever, particularly NSAID’s, (non-steroidal anti-inflamatories) has been proven DANGEROUS to runners and their bodies. If you are sore the next day you may choose to take OTC pain reliever in standard dosage with water if you and your physician say it’s OK. Running with ibuprofen (Advil), or naproxen (Alleve) in your system may truly hurt you on race day.

By limiting prostaglandins that normalize blood flow you may tax your kidneys. Your basic over-the-counter drugs may seem benign to you, but they do block important biochemical’s called prostaglandins and these do a great number of things in the body – including dilate the blood vessels to your kidney. Remember that your kidneys are something that you need, and rely on, to maintain the electrolyte balance in the body, maintain fluid balances and eliminate wastes. These NSAID’s (by blocking prostaglandins) may increase your blood pressure at a dangerous time to do so – when running – and this could trigger a TIA or CVA (stroke). NSAID’s block the enzyme cyclooxygenase that protects the heart and thus may pose greater risk to the cardiovascular system as well.

Cyclooxygenase helps protect the stomach lining from digestive acids and so when NSAID’s block the enzyme you may experience nausea, cramping, diarrhea or bleeding. Studies indicate that NSAID’s may increase the risk of Hyponatremia or “water intoxication” a problem with electrolyte imbalance.

New research says that you might take one baby aspirin every day or every other day – see the link at our FB site for the literature on this preventative for everyone to learn more - then ask your DOCTOR.

Try to reduce stress in your schedule the week before your race, plan a massage 5 days out if you want to, look back at your training log to see how much running you have been doing and feel good about your accomplishments. Before the starting gun goes off you have already won by working so hard to get here – now if you have a fun race day it is the gravy and a just reward for all this “work”. You are a runner now.
More sage wisdom and some comedy here:

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thanks goes to Lori D for finding the Auria headphones and turning me onto this new blog. Thanks Lori!

Auria headphone review

So running with headphones, or any play near cars with your headphones on is dangerous, right? I should probably reconsider this behavior. That said, adults will be, well, the point is some folks will really feel a need to listen and want to remain safe while doing so. That said, I recently read a review of the new Auria headphones which are designed to grab the cartilage of the outer pinna of the ear. I’ll refer you to the well written review here and then add my two cents.

The cartilage that you can see on the side of a human head is small, not uniform, and covered with oil and sweat, once you begin exercising. Only once I began wearing “in-ear” headphones did I begin to realize how much perspiration can accumulate in a human ear – yuck is the first challenge but getting anything, much less a headphone to stay in there is a huge challenge. I am thinking that with the above list of variable and the number of models on the market – I am not the only guy who is tough to fit for headphones.

I have tried over the head, headband behind the ear, ear bud, ear hanger or clip style, I have even applied a ski hat to my head (not joking) to keep those babies in and most do not fit the bill and those that do stay attached to the ear, often pinch or numb some part of the ear in the process.

So this is why I feel compelled to write a follow-up review. These headphones do not feel like they will stay in, I am waiting for them to fall out because they do not feel attached well and they are barely touching your ear. By not sitting in the ear canal and not giving some part of my head a full-nelson, I assume these will be banging my knees in no time, while I am running down the road. I am used to something heavy, something slippery, something vise-like, and so there is no way these things will stay on my head, because I think I know it all. So I cut grass, run 4 miles, and wear them while doing dishes and laundry and just wait for them to fall out of my ear.

Since I am still waiting for them to fall out, I feel compelled to write. This is the moment most designers wait for in their careers – a time when they change expectations about how something is done through design. I assumed I’d never see an ear-bud thingy that was ever worth a damn and now I have. Besides that they are comfortable, are sufficiently loud, and allow you to hear background noise. They truly do hang in your ear so well that you hardly notice them if it were not for the cord. You will need to experiment with all of the four sets of gaskets they give you to get a great fit for your ear. When you do get a fit, it leads you to think that maybe they actually measured human ears or something crazy like that. The in-line control for volume will be used constantly, but the one button control for start/stop/repeat/skip or whatever, is already broken and largely useless – leaving me wondering how they can get such a great fit, only to be bamboozled on what should be a simple solid state issue. That said I give this a solid thumbs up in agreement with the above mentioned review and encourage you to check these out, if headphones are what you must use sometimes when you are around cars.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

syllabus revision 2011

Here is a projected schedule of lessons based on the remaining weeks, and if you feel that you'd like something else - please let Lori and myself know so that we can get all of your questions answered before race day.
Week 12

Running on the Cheap – 15 tips to save your money for shoes
The most embarrassing running questions, answered

Week 13
John DiBacco, DPT talks about stretching, strength, injury prevention in runners – do not miss this session! This is recipe exchange day – bring a copy to share of a food dish that works as a pre – or post run meal and we’ll print them and you can have your own runner’s cookbook of ideas this way. If you run your recipe through spark recipe finder’s nutrient analyzer you’ll also know exactly what you are getting in the dish, and we can Xerox those too.

Week 14
Race day preparation handout, The Better Taper, race day menu handout, caffeine explained
Homework - try you race day meal before your long run, for the next two or three long runs, documenting what worked and what did not work.
Reading: The Marathon Method, Tom Holland, pages 213-215, 219-224

Week 15
Barefooting – what is it and why would I consider this?
Foot care, socks and race preparation

Week 16
Q&A regarding fueling and hydration strategy, and a lesson in hyponatremia
Reading: The Marathon Method, Tom Holland, pages 225-234

Week 17
Recovery techniques, post race plans, events list, Runner Time Management
Homework – 6 days after your race, plan to take resting pulse, BP and respirations to see if you are ready to resume running and then begin looking for your next race or project…
Reading: The Marathon Method, Tom Holland, pages 235-237

Week 18
Time trials, and track workouts a basic primer in the next stage of training, The Mix workout plan. A primer on the next stage of training, and why it would benefit you.
Reading: The Marathon Method, Tom Holland, pages 205-212

Week 19
Planning your next running goal, revisit running form
Homework - take your baseline resting pulse, BP, and respirations to map your progress – mark your calendar for when you’ll start running again after the race.
Homework - try you final decision on the race day meal, before this week’s long run
Reading: The Marathon Method, Tom Holland, pages 203-204

Running On The Cheap

Save your money for shoes or running shorts and let’s talk about tricks for getting more miles out of your recreation budget.

Some of the best tips from our friends at Runners World include:
Local races are cheaper, sometimes offer food and are a great way to meet new running partners. The side benefits – you may be the fastest one there or for your division and this can be a prize category along with bragging rights. Always plan ahead for your race and pre-register. For big races this can save you $25 on the entry fee. If you travel to run then plan to carpool and room share with running buddies to trim costs. Pack a lunch to share and carbo load together.
Always support your local running store when you can. No shipping and the immediate gratification of having what you need and keeping a shop open near you. Ask if they’ll meet whatever catalog price you saw too – it never hurts to ask and a good business person can always find a polite way to state what they cannot do.

Volunteer at a race – often you can still run it and maybe at a reduced fee in exchange for your time. It is a fun and different way to be involved and it is what keeps area races going.

Fall is a key time for shoe models to change and whenever you see the new shoe guides hit the newsstand that means it is time to pick up whatever model you were running in for a better price as it goes off of the shelf. If you are a very common size you may need to jump on this a bit sooner to get your shoes but the pay off is worth it. They do not go bad in the box and most folks do not see a shoe size change annually. Roadrunner, REI, and zappos are all good sites for shoe sales when the style season ends. Remember taht Morgantown Running also has sales on the old models and you need not pay shipping.

Buying multiple pairs of shoes that work well for you does a few things. You are not pressured by style change when they phase out something that is working well for you. Secondly when you rotate shoes they last longer on account of the fact that the supportive foam (the only thing that really wears out sometimes on a shoe) has 48 hours to rebound every time you run your shoes. Getting them an air-out time and allowing foam to recover allows me to run two pair at a time, possibly 50-100 miles further than I could otherwise. Many runners benefit from this practice and it adds up over the cost of several pairs.

There is an increase in folks who run to work or run home after work and anyone who has an HR department at their workplace they should ask about any incentive that is offered for employee wellness or carbon savings. You are saving on gas or parking fees, gym membership and keeping your workplace insurance bills low so anything you can gain in reimbursement would be gravy.
Several folks have gotten a spouse, relative or buddy to run and this replaces their time at the bar or coffee stop with a cheap and healthy habit they do together.

Switch to real food. Better for you and less money too. Often times an easy grocery store substitute can replace expensive energy gels and Gatorade. Diluted fruit juice works for some folks and others just use less powder than the mix calls for (and Gatorade powder is far better and cheaper than paying for water and high fructose corn syrup) fruit leather, pretzels, honey, or any road tested thing you like is less money than a Powerbar. I am a big fan of PB&J on wheat.
Our area running clubs; Elkins Roadrunners and WV Mountain Trail Runners are very affordable ways to meet folks and their events are low budget and very fun affairs. Sometimes there will be apparel available that is great for running in and some clubs do get discounts from retailers – it pays to ask.

Your loved ones now know you are a runner so be specific when your birthday or Christmas comes and give them your shoe size and model; for what is the most costly and most often purchased item on your list.

Remember that big races are now often giving out technical fabric race shirts and these are your "two for one" deals on running apparel. When it comes to outerwear, shorts and shoes: this often remains an expensive spot in the starting runner’s budget. Remember that in days of old, wool was the original technical fiber and it still works great for everything but summer running. It is also already in the closet or at the secondhand store. I have always been a deal hound at the army/navy store for this kind of technical clothing for being outside. A funny and informative recent column sent Runners World staffers to the big box stores to shop out any clothing that looked like it would get them through weekly mileage and they only had $100 to spend for a complete outfit. Sports Authority and Amazon came up as the best bets for this shopping challenge. Two stores had brand name shoes and the shoes were similar to the manufacturer’s regular shoes with technology that was just several year older than new – yet good. Clothing from Starter, Champion, and Nike all turned out have some items that were acceptable to the testers, just simply did not last as long as what they were accustomed to. (Understand that the RW magazine editors all run in the newest free stuff to product test every month so they set the bar unfairly high.)

Runners World polled folks on their spending habits and found that 3% folks spent less than $100/year on running. The largest group 28% spent $250-499/year on running and an almost equally large number spent more than $1000/year ( I would guess that this accounts for travel to destination events) Recent polling shows that runners spending has held pretty constant in the current climate as well. Folks have a good habit that they cannot give up and they will continue to run even if they downsize a bit.
I hope some of these ideas and tips will help get you further this year. If you have others please post them to the facebook site.

Embarassing moments

Most embarrassing moments
“The only cure for vanity is laughter and the only fault deserving of laughter is vanity…”

So first off, the only stupid question is the one that you do not ask. Like it or not – stuff happens. Runners see more of it than many folks because we are getting out there and doing stuff. This subjects us to a larger than average number of foibles and comedic moments. So awhile back I asked I asked runners for questions or stories about embarrassing moments and I got a few, which I'll cover here, and address a few more funny ones that could crash your day or your race - so pay attention. BTW many of these funny stories are second hand/first hand, while a rash of others come right out of Runners World, where you find a lot of good material - they used a forum/poll technique to gather some doozies!

For example: I was out on a run and running a trail for the first time. Working hard to keep from falling after recent rains I was focused on my footwork and never saw the dead tree limb hanging dangerously low to the trail. My hat shielded the view until after it was too late and looking skyward from my supine position I knew I had been foolish – now my head hurt too.

Ins and outs
#1The statistics say that 24% of women ages 25-44 y.o. experience some symptoms of stress incontinence. A leaky bladder while running is a more common problem for women who have given birth. Once the muscles of the pelvic floor become weakened anything from a cough to a fast run can cause a problem. Kegel exercises can help rehabilitate and strengthen pelvic floor muscles and effectively cure most incontinence. To find the muscles, stop your urine stream while going to the bathroom. Practice contracting and relaxing the muscles for 10 second repetitions as often each day as you can. Some runners say a tampon can help prevent leakage and help maintain muscle tone.

#2 Adding fiber in your diet can make you more regular and then able to schedule your movements to occur before a run. Caffeine can speed the movement of waste through your system and thus aid your scheduling issues. Running jostles your system and diverts blood from the digestive tract to legs and muscles elsewhere and this can cause cramping and/or an emergency pit stop if you have not already taken care of business. On race day many folks have eaten two hours or more before the gun and then had something small (that they know will sit well) 30 minutes before race time. On long runs in the countryside do not forget to carry a few sheets of paper in a zip-lock bag!

Worst case scenario preparedness: Country roads afford a lot of privacy oftentimes and you learn which spots on your route have more cover. I carry a kit that works well on race day - and doubles as a country roads emergency kit.

I use a big zip-lock bag style "kit" and in it I place:
Some TP,
A freezer zip-lock
One really tough garbage bag
Hand gel.

This kind of kit easily fits in a fanny pack or cargo pocket and is discrete. TP and the zip lock and gel can handle any spontaneous need to urinate for a female and allows me to pack out my TP easily to pitch later.

The garbage bag works the same way I might clean up after my dog in the city. BM goes on the ground and TP accompanies the stool. Then with a hand inside the bag as a glove, I scoop the whole thing into the garbage bag and then seal it into the zip-lock for disposal later, anywhere I'd pitch a diaper. I have found that in several national parks the rangers actually teach this technique as a means to "pack it in pack it out" and if the site chosen is softer ground or snow this works just fine with no evident trace. Things do happen out there and this kit has saved me and comrades on numerous occasions.

Sweat – it can stain clothes and moisture makes some colors transparent…
From a runner – “I purchased 3 pairs of running shorts. Identical except in color. They had a very light mesh liner that made them great for summer workouts in the Georgia heat. I bought black, blue and yellow. I loved these shorts and in fact I still use them from time to time. One day I set out wearing the yellow shorts on a run from my house to a well used local park. Along the way I noticed a few interesting glances and some folks staring directly at my crotch. I didn't really think much about it until I got home and realized that these awesome yellow shorts had become increasingly see- through as I sweat during my run. I hope the folks I encountered enjoyed a good show. I still have those yellow shorts but I never wear them. They serve as a reminder to stick with dark colors”
Besides giving the public a good show you may find excessive sweating can cause blistering. Body glide, Vaseline, Aquaphor, or even anti-perspirant applied to the trouble areas can help – this includes feet.

Chafing and “number 11” syndrome
Salt in sweat can cause chafing too and on long runs this is something to look out for – I know folks who use a bandanna to brush off and wipe down troublesome areas ahead of time.
Runs over a certain distance (varies by runner) will always cause chafing. The most common for men is thighs and nipples. The “number 11” comes from the blood stains on the jersey of an unprotected guy who was not told to tape, apply body glide or even breathe right strips to nipples to avoid this problem.

Blood in your urine - haematuria – is a condition that 20% of the (Runner’s World) poll reported having suffered after a long run. Runners World says that “Sometimes on a long run cells in the kidneys may leak or bleed or the bladder can suffer injury as well from all the jostling. While not normal – some folks are prone to this and the condition resolves within 48 hours. If it does not – seek medical attention.” My learning from nursing school tells me that this might be rhabdomyolysis which more specifically is myoglobin in the urine and this is coming from the extreme tearing down of muscle tissue. This muscle tissue contains myoglobin – similar to the oxygen carrying, hemoglobin in your blood and it would leave urine a rust or dark, red- brown color. If you are losing large amounts of potassium rhabdomyolysis could be a consequence as well. This too would not be a normal occurrence and can lead to complications, thus it warrants a visit to the doctor.

Knowing the route - From a runner, “I have very bad night vision. In order to avoid running into some pedestrians, I ran towards the edge of the sidewalk, in between two poles. Turns out, there was a sign in between the two poles that I didn't see and I ran right into it. I hit my head pretty hard and stumbled backwards before trying to keep running.” There are lots of good lighting systems and tools available and I run with a light on my head and one in my hand. The one in my hand is for making sure others see me. The one on my head keeps track of the ground, but honestly when you run a route a lot you learn where the mean dog is, who is always late to work and driving fast, and which guy will never miss a puddle. Know the hazards in advance if you can.

Tying your shoes - The racers are in the chute and the gun fires. The runner who bends over to tie their shoe at the start of the race is knocked over by the wave of racers flooding on to the course. This story has been related to me more than once and the runner had not learned to tie correctly or did not double knot and certainly did not move to the side of the course to re-tie or else I would not be re-telling the sad tale. The other big one is shoes tied with an unmovable bow and the loop catching on something – sending the runner horizontal. You can tuck the loops in and single tie them correctly to keep them done up. See our facebook site for a link on how to tie a proper bow (I laughed too, but it works).

Gear check - From a runner “I was running my first marathon in 1997. I was about at the 18 to 19 mile mark, when another runner caught up to me only to inform me of a gaping hole in my black running tights that were showing my white undergarments. I learned to do pre-checks on gear before I wear it.” I have heard of racers showing up at the race without their bib or timing chip. Check your stuff the night before and pre-pack so that you can be confident of an easy day.

Know thy schedule: From a runner “My boyfriend and I had registered ahead of time for the race which was advertised as beginning at 9:30. I was pretty nervous and was definitely in pre-race solitary mode while stretching at my car. At around 9:10 a crowd was gathering around the start and my boyfriend - honoring my pre-race alone time - told me he was going to make his way to the start. I stayed at my car stretching until I heard a gun and the pack of runners come streaming by me. The race had started at 9:15!”

Plan ahead – and nothing new on race day: From a runner “I ran my first marathon (Philly) and INHALED my jelly beans in front of the crowds. I couldn't breathe! I was doubled over, choking, and someone had to smack me in the back. The beans came flying out - everyone cheered.”

Animal encounters
Dogs: find out what is the dogs territory and always have a heads up attitude about his fence, tie up or lack there of. Never run from a dog – you’ll loose in the speed interval and then you’re too tired to look threatening. Stand your ground, pick up something to wave around if you have to and look that dog in the eye and tell him to “GO HOME!” Always thank dog owners who restrain their dogs – and I have found that if you wave and look upstanding to the owner that is reflected in the dog’s attitude. Sometimes that dog is even tied up the next day!
Other wild things – from a runner, “After a couple of miles of plodding along the sidewalk, I approached a flock of 8-12 Canadian Geese in my path. I remember thinking, "They'll move." Well, when I got within about 10 feet, they sprang their multiple pinching beak assault. They didn't so much attack me individually as much as they assailed me as one formidable presence.” From yet another runner “running on the Main Street of the town I live near on a really foggy Saturday morning, I couldn't see 2 feet around me. The next thing I knew this huge deer charges from the alley and plows right into me. WHAM! I flew into the street, scraped my knees, bit my tongue and the deer just kept going.”
Do try to find routes that minimize wildlife disturbance and sometimes just asking about the local fauna helps. Bear bells for trail runs, pepper spray for downtown Philly, find out what you need to not miss your run.

Automobile vs. runner - You know you are never going to win this one – so no bullfighting please. You should face traffic and take off your headphones but also keep these great ideas from Jeff Galloway in mind.
Watch and prepare to make fast adjustments, many runners have had to dive for the ditch or leap the hedgerow as the motorist dropped their cell phone and reached to catch it.
Plan ahead where you might jump to or which side of the turn offers best visibility
Wear reflective gear, not just at night. Think “can I be seen easily, from a mile away?”
Understand that you cannot understand the driver’s mentality. Drunk, late for church, maybe they’re texting, or unable to run and resentful of you for getting out and having such a good time. People act like they are anonymous in their cars oftentimes. So WAVE, let them know that you see them and let them see you better, be neighborly and BE the change you wish to see in the world…(you’ll be amazed how many wave back – esp. in WV) the post about traffic survival talks a lot more about this idea because it is so important.

I am just out here doing my thing - “I have run past a drug deal, an underage beer party and two lovers in the backseat of the car – not on the same run. I keep quiet feet and I nod but keep moving. Some of those folks appreciated that I ‘kept my head down’ and just looked non-threatening - I think the folks in the car never even noticed me.”

Maybe a new outfit? From a runner, “On race day I went in to use the porta-potty and forgot to lock the door. I had to pull my outfit down to go. I was just starting to pull it up when someone just opened the door on me. All 30 or so people standing in line got a good show of me in my birthday suit. I thought the rule when waiting in a porta-potty line was to wait till you see someone come out before you try to go in - or at the very least knock first.”

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Why we sufffer, more on mental training, part 2

“Poetry, music, forests, oceans, solitude- they were what developed enormous spiritual strength. I came to realize that spirit, as much or more than physical conditioning, had to be stored up before a race.” Herb Elliott, Olympic champion and world record holder in the mile.

The mental aspects of training are of great importance and can be trained for in the same fashion that you prepare to run longer distances. First let’s start with some inspiring stories of how folks “pull it off” with mental power.

One runner told the story of her third race of the Pikes Peak half Marathon. She was in a downward spiral of pain and suffering as the altitude took its toll and her legs began to cramp – she found herself talking herself out of the run and having an “I just can’t do this” discussion. That’s when she passed a spectator on the trail who shouted “you look great! You’re in 8th place!” suddenly she not only looked great she felt great and was able to push herself harder than she thought. She went on to run a 3:08 finishing in 6th place and that moment when she was encouraged by a fan was the last time she really thought about it hurting badly. Pretty amazing considering that this is a race of 13.3 miles with 7,815 feet of vertical gain. She recounts her race day, “it was not the pain I recall the most vividly but I remember my capacity to endure it.”

Many folks have heard of the famous hill in Boston called Heartbreak Hill. This gained the moniker during a great duel between John A. Kelly and Ellison “Tarzan” Brown in 1936. John Kelly was the defending champion and was good at hills but Tarzan was in the lead and John put in his best effort to reel in his opponent atop the last hill before headed into town. Kelly came around Tarzan and tapped him on the shoulder at the top of this last hill. This so incensed Tarzan that he doubled down and despite fatigue he dropped John Kelly on the downhill and John never had the energy to come back – Loosing there “broke John Kelly’s heart”, said the press. The mental energy to win can be found by happenstance but it is better to do the planning ahead of time.

Getting used to some difficulty and some challenge is part of any good training program. In a culture today that too commonly will concede that we can medicate, avoid, or otherwise ignore life’s difficulties’ - running by its very nature gently pushes aside these themes. Sweat and toil is part of any good day – whether you are running or not, but especially when running. The best part of that is we get better at it and the rewards – while hard won are palpable. Dena Kastor says, “Runners are never comfortable, slightly before our body adapts to a 5:30 mile, we are running a 5:26” and needless to say that is hardly comfortable. But as we train to run faster by pushing the envelope a bit we can also achieve more mental toughness by some of the same methods.

In race day preparations I ask folks to use all five senses to create a mental image or daydream about how the finish of their race will look. Use sight, sounds, touch, taste and smell to create images of how it will go well and what it will be like, and feel like, to you in those final moments of accomplishment. If you practice this daily or as you finish each run, you will be conditioning the same nerve fibers that you use to communicate with your body daily and on race day. Because you are using the same nerve pathways – research has shown that your body may not be able to discern the difference over time. You are pre-loading a positive outcome on your hard drive and may gain some teleoanticipation of a positive outcome.

This will only be one part of a larger picture though – our sport is a thinking sport and the landscape is vast. So while I give you great anecdotes about individual perception and tools to teleoanticipate your big day, we’ll look at a few other ideas about how to prepare to do your best work – the stuff you will have trained five months to do.

Think of Perceived effort (PE) as your check engine light. How many of us have driven to the gas station even though the light was on? Depends on what it was that instigated the light, right?! Your brain and its central governor are using the distance, fuel level, fitness level, heat index and course information all at once in a complicated algorithm to determine how it should “make you feel” and this response is adapted by four primary factors.

Fitness Level Training influence Pain Threshold Mental focus (how you move through adversity)

Fitness level: Your understanding of your fitness level and taking care of yourself during the run does two things. It gives you the confidence to know you have the chops to succeed at the challenge and it keeps you free of distractions to do what you set out to achieve. While your PE is governed by the brains algorithm you can give it additional cues about how well off you are “I have run at this pace already and felt fine” or “I am on target for what I have trained for already” are good mental notes. Do some runs 5, and 3 weeks before your race as time trails for your pacing strategy and see how you do. A phenomenon that trainers call teleoanticipation suggests that your brain can recall the previous performance and gauge efforts by that prior intensity benchmark. So if you are fit and you teach the body something about going fast - it will remember that fast was OK. Set yourself up well by making sure that you are not dehydrated, that you have a steady stream of clean carbohydrates (30grams/hour after the first hour of running) and that you stop to stretch as needed. Staying fueled, hydrated and relaxed will remove mental distraction that can otherwise compromise you and it has been shown that it may blunt pain perception in athletes.

Training influence: Your track work, speed work and hills are not easy workouts and that should be reassuring come race day - as the course is rarely a cakewalk. Training hard allows you to push back your PE scores for a given task and adds to the “aches and pains” database about what is survivable. When your brain learns how to approach the limit on something and keep going - it remembers that, and you can find it a useful tool on race day. We are crippled by what we fear and so getting out on the course, and in small doses running things that are more difficult than the course, you not only train your body but you train your mind to overcome these challenges. Folks who were measured during track workouts over a 12 week study were found to be running faster than their physical adaptations should have allowed. They were not developing faster physically than a typical runner but they were also developing mentally and the body learns to push and what amount of push feels OK.

Pain Threshold: You may recall the example that “when the hot water begins to burn you in the shower is a fixed capacity for each individual but how you feel about it when it does start to burn is a learned response.” This seems to be agreed upon but it is also a fine line as to whether the pain threshold can be moved for those who find their meter set very low. One trainer talks about the benefit of a “pain community” otherwise known as a running club, triathlon club or climbing club. All of these peer groups are able to encourage, support and consequently push each other further than many individuals willingly go. To have camaraderie is a good way to embrace that something is in fact difficult and thus sweeter because it is tough to attain. Spending time with higher pain threshold individuals can show you what is really possible for yourself as well. Yet this trainer argues that folks actually learn to embrace pain as well and take some pleasure in it as a release.

Elite runners comment that there seems to be some separation in the competition by what suffering a person can process as a steady state and that this can be a learned skill. Peak performers often hit a “sweet spot” where it does not hurt more and more but rather it becomes uncomfortable, they move past it, and then spend the time in the exhilaration of a great performance which transcends the discomfort. One coach restated “I relaxed, stayed focused, I stayed calm”.

Mental focus (how you move through adversity) So most of you already know if you are a person who perseveres and will endure - you need to take that confidence to bed with you on race night. But more than that there are several additional thoughts to take forward in gearing up for race day and you’ll sort through what works for you.

Remember that on race day we cannot control the weather, the traffic, the competition – a lot of things are left to chance. A winning attitude recognizes we must control the things that we can. Your thoughts, emotions, training form, pacing strategy, fueling schedule… This is what you can control and the best news is that this is what matters the most.

Pre-visualize as much as you can in the weeks leading up to the race. The old saying that you can always imagine far worse things than can actually happen is a resource if you let it be. Take a mental list of concerns and then work out ways to eliminate them. Imagine pain too – if you have an idea of what hurts and how badly – and what you’ll do about it – then you are all set when it arrives somewhere in the last few miles, because it will.

Break the race or goal up into smaller pieces because the brain’s PE score will always allow a bigger effort before the endpoint. Remember that supercomputer of a brain and all of its algorithm data – distance being a chief element - so if you have several endpoints with goals for each – you can rally multiple times. Studies have shown that the greater the effort required – the smaller segments we have to break the goal down into (this is intuitive for most adults).

Always use positive dialogue tactics to change the channel on a dark discussion with yourself and remember in your visualizing that there will be folks in town that are cheering you on and telling you “you look great!” You can buddy up during the race by pacing with a total stranger, meeting a new friend or running with a trusted member of your “pain community”. Misery loves company and if you can’t talk nicely to yourself maybe they can.

List your strengths/list your reasons to run/repeat your mantra/list the payoffs/people watch/count all the pairs of Nikes - whatever works – sometimes I sing (yeah, I know…)

Kara Goucher is a world class runner who has represented America in the Olympics and yet has had her own continued bouts with self confidence. Her work at the Oregon Training Center has included extensive sessions with sports psychologist Darren Treasure. They have worked together to develop key words or mantras for Kara based upon her values and motivators. The bury these key words into very difficult workouts and then employ them to encourage Kara to seek out more of herself, push past the central governor, and run what she is capable of running. By testing these countless times before her race they are then able to get results with these key words on the big day. They also work on key concepts that affect the esteem of the runner over the training period.

You can easily come up with an empowering statement that you read yourself daily in the shower or before bed. Repetition will actually ingrain this in your system and may cause you to believe that you can and should reach your race goals.

Worst case scenario you give up your time goal and your B and C goals to …Just get to the next phone pole, or just get off the pavement or just keep going…

Just like speed work or downhill running - think about all of the things that you CAN relax while running. Your forehead muscles need not be tight, you can smile, you can loosen your hands and arms – maybe you can relax your legs or loosen your stride. When push comes to run – save the energy that you can, efficient form will carry everything. That includes worry – clear your mind and go with the thoughts that work. When the going gets truly tough it is the process and the rhythm of how you do things and do them well – that will carry the day. Why do firefighters and police and soldiers train and train and train? So that you can fall back on process and what you do well in the heat of trouble - go with what you know and stay in the process - not the overwhelming thought of the end or what bothers you.

Steve “Pre” Prefontaine was possibly the best American man to ever run. He developed a desire to run from an early age and despite obstacles (one leg shorter than the other) he went on to break records in every competitive distance from 2,000 – 10,000 meters. No American has done this since. Yet Pre had down days too and after a loss in Munich he thought about quitting the sport. His coach said simply “If you’re gonna run, be at the track and I’ll give you the workouts; or if you’re gonna stop running then do that. You decide. I can’t coach desire.” Needless to say Pre came back; he possibly had more desire than anyone once he looked inside himself.

Yet another great Pre story speaks of his mental ability to embrace difficulty. He was famous for telling his opponents “today is a good day to die” and threatening, “I’ll take you to some places that you really don’t want to go”, suggesting that to follow him at the race pace would be a trip into physical difficulty for the opponent. He was all about, all out, on race day and that “race day magic” will carry you as well if you have adequately prepared in advance.

Here are a few more strategies from the professionals:

Gloria Balague (sports psychologist, University of Illinois) says, “Athletes sometimes think anxiety has a protective value, that it motivates them to avert disaster, but you want to prepare for adversity well in advance. Identify your worries and train to overcome them.”

Jeff Troesch (mental trainer) says, “My goal for every athlete is to help them get one day better every day. I look for ways to get the athletes into the now, to strive for day-to-day victories” Which is great advice, because if I rated every race by what my “A goal” was – I would have stopped racing long ago, some of them don’t go well and they are still really great days (beats the office, hands down)

More on mental attitude from someone who make the big bucks to consult and coach… JoAnn Dahlkoetter PHD

Epilogue: I seek to be honest about my bias in class and I’ll tell you that this aspect of sport is very intriguing to me. It offers possibilities and explains some of the great depth in human potential we have seen in sport and history. It offers tools for athletes to get the most out of their hard won training, and it offers even greater challenges and rewards to us as athletes. But “self-help” as a subject in this country is both popular and reviled by different groups. There are folks who may read this post and feel as though they are being asked to repeat the phrase “I am good enough, I am smart enough, and dog-gone-it people like me” and that this idea will not get them anywhere (I thought that skit was so great) or they may be skeptical of the power of the mind to improve performance. To that skeptic, I offer fuel for a healthy debate from the emerging field of psychoneuroimmunology.

Psychoneuroimmunology is a “new field” based on the science that the nervous system and the immune system are interconnected. This discipline has discovered a number of ways that the two systems actually have two way communications with each other and direct impacts on both systems. Closely controlled studies have also shown that “a person’s aggressive determination to conquer a disease can increase one’s lifespan” (p619 Alcamo’s Fundamentals of Microbiology, 2007) The same studies have shown that behavioral therapies can amplify the body’s response to disease and speed the immune systems response.

This field has also generated interesting research in 2003 that Tai Chi boosts shingles immunity in the elderly. In a 60 person study over 15 weeks the study group did have reduced levels of stress related to their Tai Chi program and were measured as having 50% higher immune memory functions against Shingles. The group did not see improvement in physical movement with this low impact form of exercise and the researchers concluded that the anti-stress elements of the activity gave seniors the significant boost in immunity. You can read more about the tip of this iceberg here;