Week 12
Running on the Cheap – 15 tips to save your money for shoes
The most embarrassing running questions, answered
Week 13
John DiBacco, DPT talks about stretching, strength, injury prevention in runners – do not miss this session! This is recipe exchange day – bring a copy to share of a food dish that works as a pre – or post run meal and we’ll print them and you can have your own runner’s cookbook of ideas this way. If you run your recipe through spark recipe finder’s nutrient analyzer you’ll also know exactly what you are getting in the dish, and we can Xerox those too.
Week 14
Race day preparation handout, The Better Taper, race day menu handout, caffeine explained
Homework - try you race day meal before your long run, for the next two or three long runs, documenting what worked and what did not work.
Reading: The Marathon Method, Tom Holland, pages 213-215, 219-224
Week 15
Barefooting – what is it and why would I consider this?
Foot care, socks and race preparation
Week 16
Q&A regarding fueling and hydration strategy, and a lesson in hyponatremia
Reading: The Marathon Method, Tom Holland, pages 225-234
Week 17
Recovery techniques, post race plans, events list, Runner Time Management
Homework – 6 days after your race, plan to take resting pulse, BP and respirations to see if you are ready to resume running and then begin looking for your next race or project…
Reading: The Marathon Method, Tom Holland, pages 235-237
Week 18
Time trials, and track workouts a basic primer in the next stage of training, The Mix workout plan. A primer on the next stage of training, and why it would benefit you.
Reading: The Marathon Method, Tom Holland, pages 205-212
Week 19
Planning your next running goal, revisit running form
Homework - take your baseline resting pulse, BP, and respirations to map your progress – mark your calendar for when you’ll start running again after the race.
Homework - try you final decision on the race day meal, before this week’s long run
Reading: The Marathon Method, Tom Holland, pages 203-204